The BC Farmers’ Market Nutrition Coupon Program (FMNCP) is a collaborative effort with community organizations and BCAFM member farmers’ markets to provide nutritious, locally-sourced food to lower-income families, pregnant people, and seniors. Supported by the Province of British Columbia and community donors, the White Rock Farmers’ Market plays a role in this initiative, although it does not distribute coupons directly to participants. Our community partners—Sources White Rock/South Surrey Food Bank, and Brella Community Services Society—are responsible for providing these coupons.

Program History
The White Rock Farmer’s Market does not provide coupons directly to participants. Coupons are provided by our Community Partners which are Sources White Rock, South Surrey Food bank and Brella Community Services Society.
How the Program Works
The FMNCP aims to promote healthy eating and strengthen food security across British Columbia. Our Community partner organizations distribute coupons to eligible families, pregnant people, and seniors. These coupons can be redeemed at our White Rock Farmers’ Market to purchase a variety of items, including vegetables, fruits, nuts, eggs, dairy, herbs, vegetable and fruit plants, honey, meat, and fish.
Participants in the program may receive up to $27 per week in coupons for up to 16 weeks.
The White Rock Farmer’s Market does not provide coupons directly to participants. Coupons are provided by our Community Partners.
To access coupons, individuals must contact our local community partners directly.
Our Community Partners are:
- Sources White Rock/South Surrey Food bank 604-531-8168
- Brella Community Services Society 604-531-9400